Domain Name Analyzer is a domain name checking utility. Its interface is very similar to the Office suite. If you need to check a large number of domains, then this tool is for you; and it can also be of help if what you have is just some ideas of what kind of domain name you would like to get - so you can specify a list of words and the program will search for suitable domain names. It supports generic top-level domains such as .com, .net, .org, and also any country domain code.
In a matter of a few minutes, you will be able to get information about hundreds of domains. The application is very fast, it stores its information in a database using Microsoft Jet, and all the information gathered can be exported to Excel in CSV format. It has native integration with Bido.com, so you will be able to scan domain names that are in their database, on the list of sold domains, pre-bid domains, etc., very quickly.
In addition, it's a multi-threaded application, which ensures better performance; and it has a lot of configuration options.